Marstrand II
A timeless maritime collection inspired by Sweden's idyllic coastline. This collection breathes healthy morning-dips and wind filled sails and a few treasures from Boråstapeter's own archives, as well as museums.
Alla Tiders HusAnnoBorosan 21 PaperBorosan BasBorosan HemBoråstapeter StudioBordersChalkCottage GardenDecorama Easy UpDreamy EscapeEastern SimplicityEssensFalsterbo IIIGraphics IconsIn BloomLinenMarstrand IIMelodiNewbie WallpaperNew HeritageNordic FolkOrangeriPigmentScandinavian Designers IIScandinavian Designers MiniShadesSpecial Edition FlowerySwedish DesignersSwedish GraceTimeless TraditionsThe ApartmentTreasuredVårt ArkivWoodlandÄngsfloraÖsterlen
- Alla Tiders Hus
- Anno
- Ängsflora
- Boråstapeter Studio
- Borders
- Borosan 21 Paper
- Borosan Bas
- Borosan Hem
- Chalk
- Cottage Garden
- Decorama Easy Up
- Dreamy Escape
- Eastern Simplicity
- Essens
- Falsterbo III
- Graphics
- Icons
- In Bloom
- Linen
- Marstrand II
- Melodi
- New Heritage
- Newbie Wallpaper
- Nordic Folk
- Orangeri
- Österlen
- Pigment
- Scandinavian Designers II
- Scandinavian Designers Mini
- Shades
- Special Edition Flowery
- Swedish Designers
- Swedish Grace
- The Apartment
- Timeless Traditions
- Treasured
- Vårt Arkiv
- Woodland
36 products